Meat consumption and other animal products
Most people are familiar with the
adage that you are what you eat. The
veracity of this adage is as solid today as it was millions of years ago. The
physical body is made up of a multitude of tiny cells. The body produces new
cells regularly. These cells go through the process of birth, maturity and then
old age. These aged or worn out cells must be replaced by new cells. The food
we consume, especially protein, is broken down and ultimately become the cells
of the body. In their book titled: Poison
in your body, Steven Null et. al. stated: The animals are kept alive and fattened by continuous administration
of tranquilisers, hormones, antibiotics and 2,700 other drugs. The process
starts even before birth and continues long after death. Although these drugs
will still be in the meat when you eat it, the law does not require that they
be listed on the package. When we consume meat and other animal products
containing such a frightfully high level of dangerous chemicals, they form
intoxicants in our system. Intoxicant briefly means poison. Therefore, these
toxic products quickly ruin our health and disable our system. They mutate the
normal physiological processes in the body; and precipitate numerous diseases,
including breast cancer. To artificially preserve the freshness of meat
products, they are usually administered with nitrates, which have been established
to be cancerous.
A diet high in animal fat,
especially the carcinogens found in cooked red meat, and the fat-soluble
hormones found in milk from cows, enormously intoxicates the system. According
to Arthur Upton, former Director of The National Cancer Institute in the USA, both breast cancer and colon cancer have
been generally associated with the level of consumption of animal fat.
According to
fresh compelling data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer
and Nutrition (EPIC) study, participants who ate the most red meat and
processed meat increased their risk of dying by 14 and 44 percent respectively;
compared with those who ate the least. Also, The National Cancer Institute in
the USA found that women who consumed one or more servings of high-fat dairy
products per day, were at a 49% increased risk of dying from breast cancer.
Therefore, there is a positive correlation between the consumption of animal
products and getting breast cancer. A Harvard Medical School study of more than
90,000 women revealed that the women who ate the most meat were nearly twice as
likely to develop breast cancer as those who did not eat much meat.
Saturated fats and
breast cancer
consumption of a high fat diet also leads to the accumulation of excess
cholesterol in the body. Sources of saturated fats in the body include meat
products; among them, sausages and pies, butter, ghee, lard, diary products
such as cheese, cream, sour cream, ice cream, chocolate products, cakes, biscuits,
pastries, eggs, animal fats etc.
An overview study (meta analysis)
of 45 studies reported that women who consumed a fat-rich diet had an increased
risk of breast cancer. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and
Nutrition (EPIC study) has demonstrated that women who ate higher levels of
saturated fats were twice at higher risk of developing breast cancer, compared
to those eating the least. Saturated fats also have the tendency to induce
weight gain and obesity, which are both positively correlated to increased risk
of breast cancer. Omega-6 fats can increase the risk of breast cancer, while
omega-3 fatty acids are known to lessen the growth of breast cancer cells. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include
flaxseed oil and beans such as kidney, great northern, navy, and soybeans.
Tobacco and Breast
contains a highly poisonous substance called nicotine, together with a large
number of other poisonous substances, which are best at nothing else than ruining
our health.
According to
Cancer Research UK, tobacco smoke contains more than 70 different
cancer-causing substances. When you inhale smoke, these chemicals enter your
lungs and spread around the rest of your body. Research has further revealed
that these chemicals can enter and damage the DNA and mutate important genes.
This scenario prompts a perpetual and uncontrollable growth and multiplication
of the cells, hence causing not only breast cancer, but a multitude of other
forms of cancer. When inhaled, these poisonous substances rapidly infiltrate
the blood vessels and are speedily transported all over the body. According to
the World Health Organisation (WHO), tobacco use is the single greatest
avoidable risk factor for cancer mortality worldwide, causing an estimated 22% of
cancer deaths per year. In 2004, 1.6 million of the 7.4 million cancer deaths
were due to tobacco use. Tobacco smoking causes various types of cancer,
including lung cancer, oesophagus cancer, larynx cancer (voice box), mouth, throat, kidney,
bladder, pancreas, stomach and cervix cancers. Therefore, women who smoke have
a higher risk of getting breast cancer than their non-smoking counterparts.
Alcohol and Breast
consumption is the most well established dietary risk factor for breast cancer.
The Harvard Nurses' Health study, in conjunction with numerous others, have
demonstrated that consuming more than one alcoholic beverage a day can increase
breast cancer risk by as much as 20-25%. Alcohol includes beer, wine, whisky,
gins etc. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), other types of
cancer caused by alcohol consumption include oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus,
liver, and colorectum cancers. One very crucial study that clearly demonstrated
that alcohol consumption substantially increases the risk of breast cancer is
the Million Woman Study, conducted by Oxford University in the United Kingdom. The
report revealed that every 10 grams above a unit of alcohol consumed, increases
a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer by 6%.
consumed, alcohol breaks down into a substance called acetaldehyde, which can
cause genetic mutations. This amounts to a permanent change in the DNA sequence
that makes up genes. This can elicit a response from the body, resulting in the
development of cancerous cells.
Alcohol is
also thought to increase the production of the female hormone
oestrogen in
pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. A key feature of a cancer cell is its
ability to grow and multiply uncontrollably. In certain types of breast cancer,
high circulating levels of oestrogen can trigger the uncontrollable growth and
multiplication of cancer cells in the breast. Alcohol can also alter the immune
system and contribute to nutritional deficiencies, including folic acid,
vitamins A, B6, D and E and zinc, all of which make it harder for
the body to fight cancerous cells.
Women who adopt proven
and effective breast cancer preventive measures are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. In contrast, women who fail to adopt breast cancer preventive
measures are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with the disease. This book
presents excellent breast cancer preventive measures, as approved by the most trusted
breast cancer research institutions around the world.Considering the enormous complications
associated with remedying breast cancer, all experts are unanimous on the truth
that when it comes to breast cancer treatment, prevention is the best cure. To view this book, click here.
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