Saturday 10 August 2013

Secrets to Successful Breast Cancer Prevention

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In essence, breast cancer occurs, when the process for the natural growth of breast cells becomes distorted, due to the presence of certain toxic substances in the body, such as free radicals. Therefore, any toxic substance that distorts or provokes abnormality in the natural healthy growth of breast cells gives rise to breast cancer. In contrast, any benign compound, which sustains the natural growth of breast cells, also evidently offers protection from breast cancer. Consequently, the secret in breast cancer prevention is for women to avoid consuming products that contain substances which cause abnormality in the natural healthy growth of breast cells; while increasing their intake of products which sustain the natural healthy growth of breast cells; and thus offer significant protection from possible breast cancer infection. As determined by excellent research projects around the world, compounds which offer protection from breast cancer are mostly derived from vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals, teas, etc. Being aware of, and making use of all these benign plant-based compounds can tremendously increase a woman’s freedom from breast cancer for life; most especially, if steadily coupled with a healthy lifestyle, including low alcohol consumption and rigorous abstinence from tobacco products.  
Therefore, this book provides exclusive details of all these proven breast cancer prevention secrets. 

Prominent global breast cancer research institutions all maintain that a substantial number of breast cancer cases are naturally and effortlessly preventable. Particularly, it has been determined that lifestyle and food choices are significant determining factors of a woman’s vulnerability or resistance to breast cancer infection. The most powerful and highly objective study that was conducted to establish how food and lifestyle choices directly impact upon breast cancer infection was the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) study. Coordinated by Oxford University in the United Kingdom, this extensive and energetic research scheme involved approximately 520,000 people in 10 European countries. Among others, the study uncovered that dietary and lifestyle choices such as the consumption of processed red meat, high alcohol intake and smoking, significantly increase a woman’s risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. The outcome of this study was perfectly consistent with research outcomes from other reputed breast cancer research organisations, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the USA and Cancer Research UK. On the reversed strand, women who consumed abundance of fruits and vegetables, reduced or eliminated their alcohol intake, and abstained from smoking, were found to be at significantly low risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer essentially occurs when the natural growth of breast cells goes out of control, brought about by the presence there, of certain toxic chemicals such as free radicals. The phenomenon by which the natural growth of breast cells becomes distorted is known as gene mutation. Therefore, any substance present in the breast, which gives rise to gene mutation, also causes breast cancer. Thus, the fundamental principle for breast cancer prevention is to avoid consuming products that cause gene mutation; but to instead consume products which reinforce the health of the genes, and also combat, destroy and eliminate all those toxic substances which cause breast gene mutation; and consequently, breast cancer. 

The human body is made up of billions of small biological units known as cells. A group of cells which performs the same biological function in the body is known as tissue. The female breast, just like any other organ in the body, is made up of cells. The cells in the breast have a limited lifespan. Hence, at some point in time, these cells get old. When cells are stroke by old age, they naturally die; and are then disposed of by the appropriate biological processes, charged with eliminating old, dead or worn out cells. When old cells die, and are disposed of by the relevant biological processes, they are naturally replaced by newly formed cells. Thus, in the breast, just like elsewhere in the body, there is a continuous process by which old dead discarded cells are replaced by newly formed cells. This process ensures that the quantity and quality of cells in the breast remain intact at all times, for the perfect health of the individual. Each cell in the breast contains genetic material or DNA, which can be regarded as the heart or soul of that cell. The formation of new cells to replace old, dead and disposed cells, occurs in this genetic material or DNA.
In certain instances, the natural process by which old dead cells are replaced by newly formed cells goes wrong. When this happens, old cells don’t die as normally should be the case, while new cells are formed when the breast does not require them. The reason why new cells are formed is to replace old cells. However, in this abnormal situation, new cells are formed while the old cells are not yet dead.  This implies that the space which is supposed to be occupied by newly formed cells is still being occupied by old cells. This therefore results in a buildup of extra cells in the breast. These extra cells then manifest themselves as a lump or tumour, which is called breast cancer. 

The replacement of old cells by newly formed cells in the breast can be compared to a car which is full to capacity. If a car is full to capacity, for which all the seats are occupied, new passengers cannot possibly get into the car. In order for new passengers to get into the car, some passengers must necessarily get off the car, so as to create space for the new passengers. The number of new passengers the car is keen to take on board, should ideally be equal to the number of passengers who have disembarked; so that the number of car seats given up by passengers who have dropped off, is exactly the number of car seats required by new passengers. This way, the car continues to be full to capacity, without exerting strain on any of the passengers; and without the car seats being  subjected to unnecessary pressure or damage. If new passengers are continuously admitted to the car which is already full to capacity, this would result in the car taking on additional passengers beyond its maximum capacity. The additional passengers create discomfort for other passengers, and also place unnatural strain on the car seats. In the like manner, old cells in the breast must necessarily offer their positions to newly formed cells. If these old cells still occupy the positions which should normally be taken up by newly formed cells, then there would be a buildup of additional cells, giving rise to a lump that is called breast cancer.
Since the process of forming new cells occurs within the genetic material or DNA of cells, if this process goes wrong, it means that there is something potentially not right with this genetic material which is responsibility for the correct formation of new cells.  This abnormal behaviour of this genetic material is technically referred to as gene mutation. Therefore, any factor or phenomenon which gives rise to a mutation of genes in the cells of the breast can be regarded as a cause of breast cancer; or a risk factor for the illnesses.  For this reason, breast cancer prevention generally entails avoiding any factor, situation, condition, circumstance or behaviour, which can occasion gene mutation in the breast; and therefore also cause breast cancer. Therefore, for maximum protection from breast cancer, avoid all products containing substances that can cause gene mutation in the breast. Then, increase your consumption of products containing benign compounds, which sustain gene health in the breast; and therefore offer significant protection from breast cancer. The key focus of this book is to enable women achieve this aim in a stress-free and most realistic manner possible.  
 To Download this book, click here.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Preventing Breast Cancer with a plant-based diet.

Scientists, researchers and medical doctors had long acknowledged and commended the tremendous medicinal properties of plants. An overwhelming majority of drugs which cure virtually every illness in the world are manufactured from plants. The reason why manufactured drugs more often trigger noxious side effects is that, synthetic chemicals are usually added to their plant components. If drugs were be to taken directly and naturally as plants, then they would never produce any side effects. Plants are the friendliest products to our system.
Meat-eaters are more prone to cancer than vegetarians. For over two decades, scientific investigations continually reveal a very strong connection between meat consumption and cancer of the breast, colon, uterus, etc. For instance, a study conducted on seven days Adventists in Massachusetts divulged that vegetarians are much less susceptible to cancer than their meat-eating counterparts. The vegetarian diet is abundant in fibre, fruits, vegetables and legumes, which serve as natural inhibitors for the propagation of cancer cells in the body. The famous scientist, Rollo Russell, submitted a report titled: The causation of cancer; in which he noted: I have found of twenty-five nations eating flesh largely, nineteen had a high cancer rate and only one had a low rate, and that of thirty-five nations eating little or no flesh, none had a high rate.
In its position statement, the American Dietetic Association states:
Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence. Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fibre, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than non-vegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.
Meticulous investigation conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the Max Plank Institute in Germany unanimously confirmed that the consumption of a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains meets the body’s protein and vitamin requirements, including iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, ribo flavin, vitamin B12, vitamin A, n-3, fatty acids and iodine.
Breast cancer mainly arises if there is an abnormality in the reproduction of new cells to replace old cells in the breast. The reproduction of new cells in the breast depends on two critical factors. These comprise the successful replication of the DNA and mitosis (the division of mother cells to form daughter cells). If these processes go wrong along the way, there is a high probability of a woman developing breast cancer. Compounds from fruits and vegetables stand guard over this process and assure successful completion (Frontiers in Bioscience, January, 2008). The American Association for Cancer Research found that beyond the reduced risk for overall cancer, vegetarian and vegan diets significantly reduced the risk of gastrointestinal cancers (stomach, colon, pancreas, etc.) and female-specific cancers (breast, uterine, ovarian, etc.). The following are some of the most important compounds in plants, which offer protection from breast cancer. 

 Breast Cancer Prevention
Women who adopt proven and effective breast cancer preventive measures are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. In contrast, women who fail to adopt breast cancer preventive measures are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with the disease. This book presents excellent breast cancer preventive measures, as approved by the most trusted breast cancer research institutions around the world. Considering the enormous complications associated with remedying breast cancer, all experts are unanimous on the truth that when it comes to breast cancer treatment, prevention is the best cure.

To view or download this book,  click here.

Breast cancer preventive Measures

As earlier indicated, all world-renowned cancer research experts and prominent breast cancer research institutions are unanimous that preventing breast cancer is the best way to cure it. Considering the immense importance of breast cancer prevention as the most effective cure for the disease, the author has devoted substantial energy in discussing all scientifically established measures for breast cancer prevention. The rest of this book intensively dwells upon breast cancer prevention measures. The following are proven and well studied measures that a woman can adopt, to minimise the risk of breast cancer; or to entirely avoid it.
Be a vegan or vegetarian
Approximately 30-40% of all breast cancers can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and a well informed diet. Protective elements in a cancer-preventive diet include selenium (Brazil nuts), folic acid (leafy greens), vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, phytochemicals, dietary fibre, chlorophyll and antioxidants such as carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin). Vegan diets that are low in protein can be expected to lower elevated serum lipid levels, promote weight loss, and lessen circulating IGF-I activity, which are all protective factors against breast cancer. Intake of flax seed, especially its lignan fraction, and abundant portions of fruits and vegetables, will lower the risk of breast cancer. Allium and cruciferous vegetables are especially beneficial, with broccoli sprouts being the densest source of sulforophane. Ascorbic acid has limited benefits orally, but could be very beneficial intravenously. Consume whole food soy products regularly, such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, roasted soy nuts, soy milk and miso.
Abstain from alcohol
Abstinence from alcohol can enable the system to maintain its self-protective mechanism; and substantially reduce the possibility of DNA mutations, which often result in the emergence of malignant breast tumour. The absence of alcohol from the body would also ensure that less of the hormone oestrogen is produced, hence reducing the possible development of breast cancer. A body devoid of alcohol would also boost a stronger immune system; and ensures that the system is not stripped of vital nutritional agents, such as folic acid, vitamins A, B6, D, E; and zinc; all of which are cardinal in enabling the body fight and suppress cancerous cells.
Abstain from tobacco and related products
Not smoking protects your body from the notorious toxic chemical called nicotine; and over 70 other breast-cancer causing poisonous substances found in cigarettes. Since these poisonous substances are known to mutate the DNA and trigger the growth of tumour, their absence from the system would generally imply greater protection from breast cancer.
Abstain from saturated fats
Most saturated fats arise from a diet high in animal fat, especially the carcinogens found in cooked red meat, fat-soluble hormones found in milk from cows, etc. When the body is free from these saturated fats and excess cholesterol, a woman is much more unlikely to suffer from weight gain and obesity; hence reducing the risk of breast cancer. A low fat vegetarian or vegan diet strengthens the body’s natural disease fighting mechanism or immune system; and thus reduces the risk of breast cancer. Increase your consumption of food products that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to lessen the growth of breast cancer cells.  Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed oil and beans such as kidney, great northern, navy, and soybeans. Consume monounsaturated oils, such as canola, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, as your primary sources of fat; as these foods have potential anticancer properties. Specifically, canola oil is a good source of omega-3 fats; extra virgin olive oil is a potent source of antioxidant polyphenols, including squalene. Nuts and seeds arm the body with the cancer protective mineral called selenium.
Engage in regular exercise
Studies have revealed that regular moderate exercise of about 30-60 minutes a day can reduce the risk of a woman getting breast cancer. Exercise eliminates and controls blood sugar, thus helping to protect the body from breast cancer. Those who engage in regular exercise are much more likely to be healthier; as opposed to those who are inactive. Exercise also eliminates any saturated fats in the body, thus enabling one to avoid obesity and maintain a healthy weight. This has the tendency for reducing the risk of breast cancer. It’s on these grounds that the World Health Organisation has recommended 60 minutes of physical exercise each day, to keep the body in shape, ride it of toxics; and protect it from disease.
Consume abundance of fruits and vegetables
Studies have uncovered that fruits and vegetables contain a wide variety of compounds that protect the body from developing breast cancer. The secret is to consume the widest possible selection of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Examples of powerful breast cancer fighting fruits and vegetables include cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprout, cauliflower; dark leafy green vegetables such as collards, kale, spinach; fruits such as carrots, tomatoes, berries etc. Enrich your fruits and vegetables’ variety to include those that offer the body important cancer fighting compounds such as fibres, carotenoids, phytochemicals and other antioxidants; Vitamins A, D, C and E.
Minimise exposure to pharmacologic oestrogens and xeno-oestrogens
It’s advisable to refrain from prescription oestrogens if not medically recommended. Lengthy exposure to these products fuels the development of breast cancer. If the situation permits, avoid all substances linked with oestrogen, such as pesticides and industrial chemicals.
Avoid exposure to breast cancer hazardous chemicals
Avoid exposure to cosmetic chemicals, some of which can contribute in the development of breast cancer. Also avoid food produced with the use of pesticides, antibiotics and hormones; as these chemicals may have the potential to induce the development of breast cancer. There had been growing concern of mercury in seafood and industrial chemicals in packaged food, which if consumed, can increase the risk of a woman developing breast cancer. Avoid contact with certain chemicals in plastic products such as bisphenol A (BPA).

 Breast Cancer Prevention
Women who adopt proven and effective breast cancer preventive measures are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. In contrast, women who fail to adopt breast cancer preventive measures are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with the disease. This book presents excellent breast cancer preventive measures, as approved by the most trusted breast cancer research institutions around the world. Considering the enormous complications associated with remedying breast cancer, all experts are unanimous on the truth that when it comes to breast cancer treatment, prevention is the best cure. To view or download this book, click here.

 To view or download this book,Click here.